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Organised By
The ESTRELLA of IIIT Lucknow
In each round, each team will have 4 turns.
In each turn, one of the teammates will have to pick up a chit which contains a song and will have to explain the song to his/her teammates, in the specified way.
In each round a particular player from a team can pick a chit and explain only once.
Any number of wrong guesses are allowed within the time limit.
10 points will be awarded for a correct guess and 0 points for no/wrong guesses within the time limit.
Round 1:
The person who picks the chit will have to hum the song for his/her teammates to guess, while wearing headphones at the same time.
The teammates will have to guess the song within 10 seconds.
Round 2:
The person who picks the chit will explain the songs to his/her teammates by drawing on the board while wearing headphones at the same time.
The teammates will have to guess the song within 30 seconds of being given the marker to draw.
Round 3:
The person who picks the chit will be wearing headphones and will have to explain the song by acting it out to his/her teammates.
The teammates will have 30 seconds to guess the song.