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Organised By
The GOONJ of IIIT Lucknow
This round will consist of 3 events - 'Accent Quadrant', 'Things YouCan Say' and 'PPT Story'. Teams will be ranked based on the pointsthey acquire from each of these events.
For this event, the participants will have to prepare a small act. The stage will be divided into 4 different sections. Each of the quadrants will have its own accent and the participants in any of them will be allowed to say their lines in the quadrant's specific accent only. Teams will be judged based on how much each accent is utilised and on the act itself.
For this event, each team will be given a situation and the members will have to come up with a sentence one can say in a bedroom and that situation. Members will take turns coming up with sentences. Teams will be given points based on how many sentences they can form.
For this event, each team will have to prepare a presentation telling any funny story/incident. While the story need not be a real one, it must be original. Teams will be judged based on the content of the presentation and the way it is presented.
After the completion of all the events, each team's points from all the rounds will be added together to calculate the final score. The top 2 teams will proceed to the final round. In case of a tie, the judges' decision will be considered for selection for the next round.